child birth中文什么意思

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分娩, 生产
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  1. Child birth by mainland women in hong kong
  2. The subjects included child birth safety , hiv aids , malaria treatment and the affects of influenza on children
  3. In our village , the first child birth , without pay , maternity second child about to 1500 - 3000
    在我们乡,生育第一个孩子,不用交钱,生育第二个孩子大约交1500 - 3000元不等!
  4. More than 50 million child births go unregistered each year , exposing those children to denial of access to essential services such as education and health care
  5. The women were grouped according to child birth history , defined as no lie births ( including stillbirths and miscarriages ) , one to two lie births , three to four lie births , or more than four lie infant births
    按生育史将这些妇女分为以下几组:未生育(包括死产和流产) ,一胎到两胎,三胎到四胎,和四胎以上。


  1. child behavior 什么意思
  2. child behavior characteristics 什么意思
  3. child behavior checklist 什么意思
  4. child benefit 什么意思
  5. child betrothal 什么意思
  6. child birth class 什么意思
  7. child birth training 什么意思
  8. child bondage 什么意思
  9. child bonded labour 什么意思
  10. child born in wedlock 什么意思


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